Mpafi refuge is set at the top of the beautiful Mountain of Partnitha, just one hour's drive from the center of Athens, which makes it a perfect go-to destination for an easy escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Once there you will find yourself enjoying the spectacular views and breathing the fresh air running down the mountain fir forests.
Free Cancellation
Free cancellation is available for your stay in Mpafi refuge up to 48 before the start of your experience
About the property
Mpafi refuge offers accommodation in a private room for 2 adults and 1 child. The room features an independent bathroom and is beautifully furnished.
Included servises & amenities
Breakfast is served from 8.00 to 10.00 am. Central heating is available operating for 30 minutes in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. Wi-Fi is freely available on the premises of the Mpafi refuge.
Check-in & Check-out time
Guests can arrive between 12.00 noon and 6.00 pm. In case of early arrival, guests can use the common facilities
Property rules
Smoking is not allowed in the rooms or the common areas of the Mpafi refuge. Pets are not allowed in the rooms
Optional things-to-do/Activities
Except for the tasty meals and the superb accommodation with mountain views, the Bafi Refuge offers a full range of outdoor activities. There are organized hiking excursions, speleology and bike tours, rock climbing classes, and more to choose from. Alternatively, you can just pick one of the marked trails running in all directions from the Mpafi Refuge and get lost in nature for a while.